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BCTC obtains PCI CPoC lab accreditation with MineSec white-label SoftPOS.

Mon Sep 27 2021#Announcement

MineSec announced that the Bank Card Test Center (BCTC) evaluated MineSec SoftPOS SDK for its Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council's Contactless Payments on COTS (CPoC) laboratory accreditation. As a PCI-recognised laboratory, BCTC can help payment service providers and developers gain market trust for their contactless payment solutions by validating payment security.

Security is top of mind for merchants as consumers increasingly embrace the convenience of contactless payments. PCI introduced the CPoC standard in 2019 with the goal to protect account data and secure contactless transactions. The PCI CPoC Standard provides security and test requirements for contactless payment solutions using commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) Android devices with near-field communication (NFC).

"MineSec's white-label SoftPOS SDK has shown it is able to fulfil the PCI CPoC standard requirements as demonstrated during our test as part of the PCI CPoC lab accreditation process," says Andy Liu, Head of Singapore Branch, BCTC. "As a PCI CPoC lab, we are ready to help customers verify their CPoC solutions and have begun evaluations for one of MineSec's customers' full CPoC solution. We look forward to playing a part in improving the adoption rate of contactless payments globally."

"The BCTC CPoC lab accreditation demonstrates the rich security functions of our SoftPOS solution to protect consumers card data," says Angus Chiu, Chief Commercial Officer and Director of MineSec. "Developers can jumpstart the development of their contactless payment solutions with our CPoC compliant SoftPOS SDK and minimise security risks."
Bank Card Test Center (BCTC) was founded in 1998, and further in 2013, established National Financial IC Card Test Center. BCTC, as a leading independent professional end-to-end service provider, focuses on smart card chips, cards, acceptance devices, mobile devices and payment systems in global bank card and e-payment industry, and provides functionality and security testing and relevant consulting and training services. ontributing to product stability and interoperability.

MineSec helps their customers to drive innovations in secure and seamless contactless payment solution globally. Their highly experienced and knowledgeable team offers extensive local market and industry expertise to help simplify the complexities of innovation and accelerate time to market. The white-label SoftPOS solution from MineSec provides ease of integration and customisation for various business needs, allowing customers to scale confidently and competitively to meet every market's unique evolving needs.