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MineSec obtains world's first approval from UnionPay International for MineHades SoftPOS SDK

Wed Feb 15 2023#Announcement
MineSec obtains world's first approval from UnionPay International for MineHades SoftPOS SDK

MineSec announced today that it has obtained the world's first UnionPay International's (UPI) approval on SoftPOS with PIN for its MineHades software-based point-of-sale (SoftPOS) payment software development kit (SDK). The approval for MineSec’s full SDK is testament to MineSec’s readiness to meet all the security and compliance requirements in the newly published PCI MPoC standard.

With digitalization and payment technology fast evolving across the world, consumers expect a more convenient and secure payment experience than ever before. With the increasing number of consumers adopting contactless payments, SoftPOS connects merchants to consumers directly by turning any NFC-enabled Android smartphones or tablets into contactless POS terminals. It allows the merchant to accept payments easily via contactless cards, mobile wallets and other smart wearables without extra hardware. According to Juniper Research, the total number of merchants deploying SoftPOS solutions will surpass 34.5 million globally by 2027.

Payment service providers (PSP) who integrate MineSec’s white-label SoftPOS SDK can deploy their own SoftPOS application efficiently without additional UPI functional certification. Building off MineSec’s white-label SoftPOS SDK, PSPs can focus on developing unique features for different market needs flexibly, leverage the various payment kernels and security protection within the MineSec white-label SoftPOS SDK to enrich their bespoke SoftPOS solution.

"Our lab-tested and UPI-approved full SDK provides confidence to our customers who wish to focus on developing differentiating features of their own bespoke SoftPOS solution." Angus Chiu, CEO of MineSec

“Our lab-tested and UPI-approved full SDK provides confidence to our customers who wish to focus on developing differentiating features of their own bespoke SoftPOS solution,” said Angus Chiu, Chief Executive Officer of MineSec. “The UPI approval demonstrates our SDK’s readiness to meet UPI SoftPOS solution requirements. Merchants and consumers can enjoy the convenience of SoftPOS payments with peace of mind that the transactions are completed securely.”

MineSec今日宣布,其移动端收款软件MineHades成为全球首个通过银联国际测试的带PIN SoftPOS (Software Point of Sale) SDK。此次支持PIN码交易的MineSec SDK的推出,表明MineSec 已为PCI最新发布的MPoC标准做好所有安全性和合规性的准备。

随着全球数字化和支付技术的快速发展,消费者期望获得比以往更方便、更安全的支付体验,越来越多的消费者使用非接触式支付。SoftPOS 通过将任何支持 NFC 的安卓设备转变为非接触式POS终端,使商家无需额外的硬件,即可用自己的智能手机或平板电脑轻松接收消费者的非接银行卡、手机钱包或其它智能可穿戴设备付款。根据 Juniper Research 的数据,到2027 年,全球部署 SoftPOS 解决方案的商户总数将超过 3450 万。

集成MineSec通过银联国际测试的白标SoftPOS SDK,支付服务商可高效且灵活地部署自己的SoftPOS应用,无需再进行银联国际的功能Level2认证。基于MineSec SoftPOS SDK的各种支付内核和完善的安全功能,支付服务商可以专注于开发针对不同市场、不同需求的独特功能,以丰富其自定义的SoftPOS解决方案,提高竞争力。

MineSec首席执行官Angus Chiu表示:“我们经过专业实验室测试的SoftPOS SDK为希望专注于开发具有差异化SoftPOS方案的客户提供了信心。”“通过银联国际的测试,表明我们的SDK已具备银联国际SoftPOS解决方案要求的功能。商家和消费者可以放心地享受SoftPOS支付带来的便利。”

About UnionPay International (UPI)

In partnership with more than 2500 institutions worldwide, UnionPay International has enabled card acceptance in 181 countries and regions with issuance in 78 countries and regions. UnionPay International provides high quality, cost effective and secure cross-border payment services to the world's largest cardholder base and ensures convenient local services to a growing number of global UnionPay cardholders and merchants.

