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MineSec SoftPOS Now Integrated with Mastercard Gateway

Tue May 28 2024#Announcement

We’re excited to announce that MineSec SoftPOS is now integrated with Mastercard Gateway (formally MPGS), making it easier than ever for your business to start accepting contactless payments with SoftPOS. SoftPOS or Tap on Phone is the latest payment acceptance solution which converts NFC-enabled mobile devices such as Smartphone, Tablet and ECR to become payment terminals without additional hardware.

Mastercard Gateway is a global payment processing solution that delivers multi-channel payment gateway services to financial institutions and merchants. It offers a single connection to help merchants accept payments globally and easily expand into new markets.   

This integration eliminates the need for additional integration previously required to set up SoftPOS with Mastercard Gateway. Customers already using Mastercard Gateway can now seamlessly use MineSec SoftPOS without any additional custom development work or integration steps, saving them time and resources.

To learn more on how you can use MineSec SoftPOS via Mastercard Gateway integration, get in touch!