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手机支付终端 - 银联国际软POS试点项目

Mon Aug 15 2022#Webinar

This webinar was streamed live on 15 September 2022. Recording is now available to watch on-demand.

SoftPOS 为零售和支付体验带来多种可能性,在全球范围内获得极大关注。 根据 Juniper Research 最近的一项研究,到 2027 年,全球部署 SoftPOS 解决方案的商户总数将超过 3450 万。

点击观看下方的研讨会回放视频,与 MineSec 和银联国际 (UPI) 一起了解 SoftPOS 及其在世界各地的应用、UPI 的 SoftPOS 方案介绍、以及如何通过 MineSec 快速启动 SoftPOS 创新的更多信息。

SoftPOS is fast-gaining traction around the world for the multitude of possibilities it could bring to the retail and payment experience across various industries. According to a recent study by Juniper Research, the total number of merchants deploying SoftPOS solutions will surpass 34.5 million globally by 2027.

Watch the recording of this Chinese-language webinar to learn more about SoftPOS and its use cases around the world, UPI's SoftPOS program, and how you can jumpstart your SoftPOS innovation with MineSec.

If you have any questions regarding the content in this webinar, please email us at [email protected].